Monday, August 6, 2012

The Truth

One thing that I love about blogging is that it helps me focus on the positive things happening in our home.  It allows me to reflect and learn.    I don't want to dwell on the negative but instead focus on the positive and where I strive to be.  But, for those of you who know me, you know I am a "tell it like it is" kind of a girl. I want you to know that our life is not as perfect as it sometimes appears.  I, like all moms, struggle.  So in order to be honest, here's THE TRUTH:
My kids ate leftover Peach Cobbler for breakfast this morning.  It is basically biscuit dough on the top right?  Fruit and biscuits that's not so bad.  Don't worry I haven't completely lost it, they did NOT get ice cream on top!

If you came to my house today, or any day, this is what you would see in my laundry room.  Somehow I am able to keep the laundry clean but rarely put away.   Before our remodel, the laundry room was on the main floor right inside the back door and it was always a big embarrassment to me (and that was when we only had 2 kids).  When we added the basement I insisted that a main floor laundry room was not in my best interest so we moved the laundry to the basement behind closed doors.  I started to implement a family closet for the children so that I could put their laundry away without ever leaving the laundry room.  This has helped immensely but a larger more organized family closet is on my list (Monte is cringing as he reads about my next re-organizing project).  I will blog about it after WE get it done.

Sometimes Often times, especially during the day, my kitchen looks like this.  I love to bake and cook for my family and this is the result.  Monte enjoys my cooking as much as anyone and many times lovingly cleans up my mess in exchange for yummy food.  I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband!
Things like this grow in the way back of my fridge where food gets forgotten.  They just do...I try but all I have to say for myself is eeeewwww!
My last and biggest truth (literally) is that I have struggled with my weight for many years.  I am proud to say that I am down 37 pounds since the birth of Gracen, our youngest.  I still have another 30+ pounds to go but I am doing something about it for the first time in many years.  I will share in detail about my weight loss journey in the near future.

So there it is...the truth.  Sorry mom hope I didn't embarrass you too much :)!  I guess my point is things aren't perfect around here and I am not trying to pretend like they are.  This season of life is not about perfection. It is about living intentionally with our children,  doing our best everyday, learning from our mistakes, and moving on.  Being present in this moment and not worrying about the shoulda, woulda, couldas because honestly that gets us no where.  So that's my truth in a nutshell.  There's more I am sure but for now this is enough truth for one day.

Ephesians 2:8-9
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast."


  1. Yay, Christa!!! The hardest thing to do sometimes is allow ourselves to be honest about ourselves... It is also the most healing thing we can do, and it is the most freeing thing we can do. We free ourselves from living in a world of 'keeping up appearances' instead of being ourselves. We free our children from being pushed into a mold that preserves our own image, rather than allowing them to be their best selves. And we free our friends to also be honest about themselves. It is a scary and brave and utterly right thing to do. Hurray for you!!! And thank you!

  2. Kudos to you Christa! I would have eaten ice cream with the cobbler for breakfast, it is a dairy product, right? :) I have long given up on a clean house and we only have pets to take care of! Congrats on the weight loss and I hope the rest just slide right off! I always enjoy reading your blog!

    1. I did think about the ice cream but knew that Monte would think I had totally lost it. Glad you enjoy the blog!

    2. Thanks for your honesty Christa! I love the fact that you are such a genuine person who has a sense of humor,... which makes a terrific sister!! I enjoy your blogs. :)

  3. No Christa, you did not embarrass me. You have become a beautiful mother and wife, lovingly caring for your family and making that a priority. That is what is important in this season of our life. There are times when organiztion and neatness need to be thrown out the window. They are not important in the moment.

    And by the way, congrats on that awesome weight loss.

    I Love You,

    Your Mother
