Monday, August 27, 2012

God isn't finished

Today we signed that paper work that officially closes our foster home.  By our request we were given the paperwork months ago but just couldn't bring ourselves to actually sign it.  In October our license expires and classes and time would be required to renew.  We have adopted children through the foster system, which was our original intent but our hearts still ache for those little ones still there and for those families, mostly living in poverty, still hurting each day.  Unfortunately we cannot fix all of the hurt, only God is capable of that.
Through the journey of foster care and later adoption, our support system has been incredible.  First of all our family who has loved our little people right along with us and listened to our frustration and tears as we agonized along with our children through the process.  We have also been blessed by a wonderful team of social workers and staff at Youthville who were at our side through every bump in the road.  We felt cared for and valued.  During this time, God really laid on our hearts that He is in control and that we need to trust our family, whatever that looks like, to Him.
For now God has given us five wonderful blessings (two through adoption) and they need our time and attention to heal and to continue growing into a family. We are still open to God's plan for our family and if we feel called back to foster care we will go.   Today is bittersweet but we know that this isn't the is just the beginning.  God isn't finished with us yet.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

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