Monday, July 30, 2012

How we do Homeschool with Toddlers

One of my biggest concerns with homeschooling was how to include two toddlers in our day of learning.  I want them to be a part of our day not a nuisance that has to be dealt with.  I did some reading but still was unconvinced of how this would work for us.  I somehow thought that I would need to use all of my education and parenting experience to make this difficult situation work.  In reality it works without much effort.  Sometimes someone has to wait but that happens day in and day out school or no school.
The bulk of our school work happens in the morning.  First thing our oldest daughter takes the little ones outside in our "toddler play area" where they are fenced in and I can see them out the back door.  She sits on the swing and does her daily Bible reading.  The boys are also busy with Bible reading and I take thirty minutes to regroup and get organized for the school day.  Once Bible time is over, the big kids regather for individual Math assignments.  During this time our one year old takes a thirty minute nap.  Our two year old,  really is a very content child as long as she is around people.  She often sits at the table and quietly colors or plays light bright or other fine motor activities. 
Once baby wakes up from his nap they spend some time in "the green room."  This is a gated room just off the living/dining room where they can play near us but not be underfoot.  They usually enjoy watching Sesame Street during this time.  We break up baby's time with a little snack and sippy cup of milk at the table with us.  During this time the big kids are doing character Study, spelling, Writing, and reading assignments for the day.

Throughout the morning as the big kids finish and are waiting for others to be ready for the next thing, they join the little ones.  I am lucky that each of the big kids finds it a rewarding break to go play with the babies and no one complains.  The little ones love having their company and it really breaks up their time. 
Towards the end of the morning we usually do History/Geography or Science either outside or downstairs so that everyone can get a change of scenery.  Around 11 or 11:15 The big kids play outside or downstairs with the little ones. During this time I make lunch preparations and finish school clean up.  After lunch the kids have more independent assignments to work on (mostly silent reading and some computer work).  The house is quiet from 12:30-2:30.  The babies sleep and I catch up on chores around the house or relax a bit.  Around 2:30 the house becomes alive again with babies and activity but everyone seems very content to do whatever we plan during this time.
Before we know it our day is over.  Daddy is home and we eat and spend time as a family.  The babies seem happy throughout the day just to be together.  Of course all of us have our moments and sometimes a break is necessary to deal with behavior or to give extra needed attention. 
A couple of keys to our success have been moving them onto the next activity even when they are content so that they don't become to fussy, offering different toys during school time to offer variety and keep their interest longer,  and remaining flexible with our schedule.  The more relaxed our home school day becomes, the more they fit in.  Throughout the day the littles are never forgotten, they feel loved and cared for either by mommy or a willing sibling. 

*This winter will be more difficult.  Outside time has become a great stress reliever for us all.  We will have to be a bit more creative but I believe we have laid a good foundation for how our time and day will go.

1 comment:

  1. I am thinking through all of this right now. I will have 2 schooling and 2 not. We will see what ends up working this year!
