Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Toddler Jail

When Vaeh first came to us she was an awesome sleeper.  She took long naps and slept through the night consistently at three months old.  She almost never woke during the night and went to sleep easily on her own.  Until a few months ago...  Vaeh decided she no longer needs sleep.  She has chosen both nap and bedtime to practice her singing (at the top of her lungs) and her superior climbing skills (and her early intervention teachers were worried about her motor skills...if they could see her now)!  She can jump the crib in a single bound and land on her feet.  She uses the crib springs as her trampoline and jumps and jumps and jumps and jumps.  If there were toddler Olympics this summer I am confident that she would come home with the GOLD.  This often goes on for hours.
It has become exhausting.  We run up and down and up and down the stairs at first asking her nicely to stay in her bed and lay down.  Nice eventually turns to not so nice (some days sooner than others).  Last night we even got a visit in the wee hours of the morning from a toddler screaming down the stairs and running about the house.
I thought that I could work with her, train her to stay in her bed.  But I was sorely mistaken. So we did the unthinkable...we locked her in toddler jail.  This morning we cleaned out the little purple room that is a someday turn into a bathroom project (it is pretty much the only space left).  We set up a toddler bed over the plumbing that is under the carpet.  We got out a pretty Winnie the Pooh Blanket and we purchased two...yes two gates to stack one on top of the other.  We plugged all of the outlets and stripped the room bare besides a few pillows, blankets and stuffed animals.  Today at nap time I read to her and cuddled with her.  She was so proud of her big girl bed she actually layed in it for a moment.  Then she began again to dance, sing, holler, and jump.  But this time I don't have to keep putting her back in her bed becoming more and more frustrated eventually yelling and feeling guilty and mean.  She is safe in Toddler jail (for now) until she figures out how to push or pull or jump or climb the gates. BUT...we will deal with that as it comes.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself Each day has enough trouble of its own." Mathew 6:34

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