Monday, September 8, 2014

A New Year

Today we officially started our third year of homeschooling.  We homeschool year round,  but after a two week break, we started a new year, along with some new curriculum.  With homeschooling, they say there is a three year learning curve and I definitely feel like I have made my share of mistakes, learned from them, and am now finding our groove.  We moved from the kitchen table to what is now our homeschool room.  We just found that each kiddo needed a more defined personal space, especially as Bentley is becoming more independent with her studies and preparing for high school.  We also found that our creativity and learning from the day spread out all over the kitchen table made meal times a bit more complicated.
Last year we made the tough decision to send Conner back to public school (you can read more about that decision here).  He spent the summer enjoying learning with us again and he and I, along with Monte made the decision to give homeschooling with him another try.  We still deal with many of the same struggles but we are learning and healing slowly.  Public School isolated him from our family and he was always frustrated at missing out on fun projects.  We are trying to be more structured with our time, something he craves, and have made other changes to try to eliminate triggers for him.  He is super smart and independent so he struggles with the correction and guidance that comes with school.  In first grade, math left us both frazzled and eventually lead to our demise.  This year he is almost completely independent with his math and is using Teaching Textbooks, something we found last year for Bentley and Payton.   It gives a lecture, then he works the problems on the computer.   It gives him a few chances to get the problem correct and then walks him through how to do it if he does not get it right.  Mom is hands off.  We are excited to have him with us again.

Bentley is looking toward high-school, which makes this mama squirm.  I worry and pray each day that I am doing enough to prepare her.  We have researched requirements and are making sure that she has what she needs to get into college if that is the path she chooses.  We have found that most colleges,  look very favorably on Home-Schooled children.  Bentley completed seventh grade math last year so is now starting Pre-Algebra.  So far, I am keeping up with her but I know there will come a time when having an aunt who is a math teacher will come in handy.  She is also doing a General Science course, Grammar, Writing, Bible, World History, and taking Art through our local Art Gallery.  She reads LOTS.  This girl goes through books like no one else I know!  Many of her books this year will tie into what we are learning in history, although she always seems to find time to sneak in a few horse books.  She continues to ride Sammy regularly and expands her knowledge of horses every chance she gets.  She is exploring occupations that would include her passion for horses.
Payton is more of a hands on learner so he keeps me on my toes.  I am always searching out new and creative ways to teach this kiddo!  This year he will be concentrating lots on writing and spelling.  He is a great reader and can't get his hands on enough books and documentaries about inventors and engineers.  He just finished devouring a book about The Wright Brothers.  He really enjoyed our summer study of Anatomy, which included lots of experiments and activities.  He reported that when the kids at the race track found out he had home-schooled Anatomy over the summer, one of the seniors quizzed him and he got everything right that she could think of to ask.  That's my boy!
Vaeh and Gracen will continue with preschool this year.  I am making a point of starting out my morning with them.  It seems like unless I focus on preschool activities first, I get caught up in other things and we don't get around to it.  Preschool is my passion, so I cherish this learning time with them.  Progress happens so quickly in these early years.  Jackson loves singing with us and climbing on and off of my lap while we learn.
 We started a new Bible Curriculum called Bible Road Trip last year and we really enjoyed digging deep into God's Word together.  I love the discussions that come from it and I feel a real sense of our purpose for homeschooling being fulfilled.  Another new thing this year includes joining a Homeschool Coop.  We are excited for the opportunities and eventually friendships that this will offer.  
There are bound to be bumps along the way but we are excited for a New Year, learning and growing together.

1 comment:

  1. Continually praying for your homeschooling adventures. May God bless you Christa, Monte and kids. It's a fun ride. dk
