Wednesday, January 30, 2013

So Long Cable T.V. **SNIFFLE**

Growing up we lived most of our lives without cable.  Even then, we were in the minority in our neighborhood.  We had one T.V. and when that broke we went back to an old black and white that had to warm up for thirty minutes so that you could actually understand what they were saying and see the picture.  We only watched a few shows faithfully, Little House on the Prairie, The Cosby Show, and of course Dukes of Hazard.  We rented a big clunky VCR from the local grocery store so that we could watch Girls Just Wanna Have Fun for the twenty fifth time.  Life was good.

These days everyone has cable right?  We have had it for years and love the variety of entertainment that it provides but our family is addicted to cable t.v.  (or lovingly known as B.T. by the younger crowd).  Monte and I love to DVR our favorite shows and watch them after the kids go to bed.  The kids enjoy all of the educational and children's entertainment channels that cable has to offer.  We decided a few months back to try other options and turn off the cable.  We tried the other options but never turned it off. There was just not enough of the programming we liked.  We justify it because we don't spend a lot on other entertainment and (read a bit of sarcasm into this part) you know we work hard so we just plain deserve it.  Every time I call the cable company to ask them to turn it off they just offer me another discount of twenty to thirty dollars per month for a year.  One time she even upgraded us to an additional tier and knocked off money.   I am a sucker for a good deal and it worked every time.

The other day something happened.  Our basement flat screen mysteriously shattered.  We honestly have no idea what or who happened to it but it is definitely toast.  Monte and I mulled it over and decided maybe God was speaking to us.  First of all we don't NEED more than one T.V. in this house.  Secondly we are all watching it way to much.  There are many of the kids' shows that are not teaching the values or attitudes that we would like.  We have been way too complacent for too long and not been diligent with truly monitoring what they watch.  Yes we set limits but they are not limits that we are always completely comfortable with.  So many shows put down parental authority and include witchcraft and things we don't agree with.  Monte and I get very little done in the few hours before bed when we do have a little uninterrupted time without kids and honestly not all of our shows are that great either.  We should be more productive, especially with number six on the way.  It is time to turn off the cable.
By turning off the cable, these are the things we hope to accomplish:
1. Save money toward upcoming hospital bills.
2. Get some much needed projects done.
3. Spend some extra time with each other and each of the children before the baby comes.
4. Keep up with homeschool grading.
5. Read some good books. goes.  I made the call and they were oh so convincing (he reminded me that we had cable since 2003 YIKES). But this time I did not waiver.  To make myself feel better I did reassure the man on the other end that we would be back.  God gave us another sign last night that it was time.  When you are not in God's Will he will keep gently and sometimes not so gently nudging.  I am not waiting for something bad to happen...I think it is time to listen.  So...for those of you whom God is allowing to keep the cable, I am jealous. But, for us and for now, God is asking that we use our time and money differently (funny as I type this a bugle plays on one of the kids' shows, how fitting).  So out come the rabbit ears and a seven dollar subscription to Netflix's instant cue. **SNIFFLE**  TOGETHER WE WILL SURVIVE!

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