Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mama Said Their Would Be Days Like These

Friday was one of those days for me.  You know the kind where nothing seems to go right.  The kids misbehaved (a lot), the cloth diapers I just invested in appear to not be the quality I originally thought, my toddler wanted nothing but to be held, very little homeschooling got accomplished, I realized I didn't have what I need to make dinner (and ended up getting pizza, again), oh and the washing machine started making a strange clunking noise just as I realized I need to put in a load of stinky cloth diapers like now.  The washer was certainly the icing on the cake but it was a lot of icing to handle.  You see when the washer goes on the fritz I panic.  I do laundry at least every other day, if not every day and now with cloth diapers no washer is just not an option.
Monte looked at the washer while he was home for lunch but it wasn't what he thought it might be.  After some brainstorming and talking to the lady at the parts store we thought we might have a cheap solution.  They closed at six and we needed to see if we could figure out what parts we needed before he could get home from work so...a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
I tackled the project with a baby on my hip (Payton later helped out and entertained Gracen).  After lots of fumbling around, a few phone calls to Monte, and hunting through the messy garage I found the correct tools.  I got online and watched a youtube video on replacing the agitator dogs and I went to work.  And...I got it all apart.  I couldn't really tell if the parts were bad enough to cause our problem or not but it was worth a shot.  
Monte and I divided up the kids, some  went with him to the parts store thirty miles away while I took a few with me to the store to restock the fridge.   The Cloth diaper lady called and the diapers were not defective after all (more on this in another post).  School work will get caught up next week.  The washer got fixed.  Diapers got washed. We even took a moment after the kids went to bed to sit down and catch up on some of our favorite shows.  **Sigh**  I am so grateful to have a husband who can fix things, especially after I take them apart.
God made no promises that life would be easy just because we believe in Him. He does promise to walk with us through even the most trivial trials each and every day.  Through Him we can acquire patience, wisdom, and even accomplish things we can't on our own.   Everyday I tell my children "I can't doesn't live here."  Being obedient means being creative and figuring out how to accomplish what is asked of you each day.  I guess that applies to mommas too!
Take heart all you mothers in the hood because Gods Word tells us:
"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."
James 1:12

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