Tuesday, September 11, 2012

(Almost) Free Fun at the Fair

Having family fun doesn't have to mean spending lots of money.  We are learning to find cheap fun learning activities outside of our home.  Yesterday we went to the state fair.  It was dollar day so we paid a grand total of four dollars to get our family of seven in the gate.   There was lots of learning and fun to be had.  We did not ride the rides and we did not eat the fair food but we enjoyed being together and learning as a family.

The big kids enjoyed looking at the chickens, rabbits, sheep, horses, and cows in the animal barns.  We also spent some time in the birthing center.  We learned that a cow produces sixty gallons of milk in a week, way more than even our family could drink.  We saw lots of very cute baby animals and got to pet baby pigs.

Our babies enjoyed their new stroller that mommy found on craigslist.  They were both able to see well with their new side by side and it was much easier to maneuver for mom and dad.  It was even narrow enough to easily get through doorways and through narrow isles.  A sidenote on the babies for those of you following my cloth diaper journey...they both wore cloth diapers for the first time on an outing and it was successful (although there were no dirty diapers :). 

The kids always love the butter sculpture. If there is nothing else they see at the fair, they have to see this.

We fell in love with Do Art.  The theme was space and the kids were offered tons of craft supplies and encouraged to be creative and make something from space.  The kids had lots of fun using their imaginations to make their Space Creations.  The best part was it was completely free.   Payton even went to one of the volunteers when we were done and thanked her and let her know that he would be back next year for more fun.  This was probably an absolute highlight for them.                     
Vaeh takes her art VERY seriously.  No smiles here but lots of concentration.  Creativity is hard work.  Her creation included lots of bling.

Gracen took the tractors and dirt at the Farm Bureau booth very seriously.  We participated in an agriculture quiz as a family and earned free ice cream cones for everyone at the dairy building.

We finished off our evening with a pb&j picnic supper in the parking lot.  Another dad of many (six to be exact) offered to trade us for tuna sandwiches that they also were enjoying in the parking lot and his wife complimented us on our lovely family.  It is encouraging to see others enjoying their many little blessings.
No one really cared about the missed rides or food (although it did smell good).  For four dollars plus gas we enjoyed a fun outing together learning and living intentionally.


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