Monday, August 13, 2012

The Great Cloth Diaper Experiment

They even come in colors to match Gracen's favorite Pacifier!
Shortly before the birth of our first child eleven years ago, a friend spoke of trying cloth diapers.  I thought that they were crazy.  Why in the world would you want to deal with the "ick" factor and all of the extra work that cloth diapers would create.  At the time, I was a working mom and really did not care about the money that it would possibly save.  It was just not feasible to expect those who cared for my children to deal with their poo in this way.  Anyway, we were a bit frivolous with our spending and we could be at the time, though we regret that now.

Fast forward eleven years.  We have now been blessed with five beautiful children, two of whom are still in diapers.  We have somehow been given the opportunity by God's grace for me to stay home with my children and be mother and teacher to them.  We can't really explain it but at the end of the month the children are fed and cared for and the bills are paid.  Over and over God provides for us in crazy ways and we are grateful.  But we still hold on to many unnecessary conveniences.  Our Mennonite upbringing naturally breeds frugalness but our selfish sense of entitlement says we deserve the best because we are good people you know.

A few days ago, as Monte and I were looking over our finances and paying bills, I noticed that our Walmart receipts had been creeping up again.  We are working hard to pay off that frivolous spending from the days when we thought that we could afford it.  Kind of ironic we are working on paying off bills from the days of two incomes with only one income but that's another blog post.  Groceries and hygiene items are one area that seems like a constant struggle to keep a handle on.  A few unnecessary items here and there don't seem like a big deal until you take it times seven.  I am always looking for ways to cut back.  Monte on the other hand is very satisfied with my frugal shopping abilities and says "good grief for seven people I don't think we can do better than that."  Even as a child, my mother has always complimented me on my ability to scrimp and save to accomplish what I wanted.  So when I heard those words "I don't think we can do better than that," it became a challenge.  You bet we can.  And so was born The Great Cloth Diaper Experiment...Dun Dun DUUUU (sorry felt the need for some dramatic music).

So here's the way I figure it.  Cloth diapers are an investment (they are not cheap) and they are tricky and hard to deal with right?  Well not any more (sorry not trying to sound like an infomercial but hear me out).  The cloth diaper market has become super innovative and competitive partially due to families trying to be more green and other families trying to save more green :).  The trend is going back to cloth diapers.  From my extensive research, the easiest cloth diapers out there are all-in-ones or pocket diapers but, they are much pricier than the cheaper, more difficult pre-folded diapers and covers, or so I thought.  I found a mom out of Wyoming who has a cloth diaper business and sells pocket diapers for very reasonable, actually cheaper than prefolds and covers.  She says she is doing it more as a service to single income families and making a bit on the side for herself.  For $180 I got adjustable size cloth pocket diapers and inserts that will work for two little people ($100 per child).  It will take 2 1/2 months to break even on the deal and then diapers will be FREE!  So I promised Monte to do cloth diapers for at least 2 1/2 months until they are paid for with the intention of using them long term.

I am not naive.  I have done my research and thought this through.  I will have to wash diapers every other day.  I do so much laundry now that another few loads a week is really no big deal.  There is also a special way to wash and dry cloth diapers so that they will still absorb those wonderful bodily fluids.  Monte has agreed to hook up a special diaper sprayer to the toilet water line so that I can rinse diapers without sticking my hand in the toilet and possibly loosing my lunch. And I know it may be a bit messy and leaky until I get the hang of it and remember to change those little bottoms more often.  I also know that there will be times when disposables are just more convenient and appropriate for the outing and I am going to be realistic and not feel guilty about that.  But I am going to try it out and maybe even like it. 
*My full shipment of diapers is scheduled to arrive shortly.  In the near future, I will update on how it is going and include links to where I purchased my diapers.


  1. could you provide the name of the diaper lady? :) or a least a place to start looking for her?

    1. Yes Nickie. I did since get her permission to post a link. If that web address doesn't work just look up baby beduga cloth diapers. She is out of Wyoming.

    2. Please tell her that I sent you through my blog.

  2. I have been using cloth with baby #3 since he was 6 weeks old! I love my cloth! My old regret is not starting with the first 2 boys!

  3. We have been using cloth diapers with #3 since he was a few months old. I too regret not having used cloth with the older two, but I also was working outside the home and figured it just wasnt worth it. Thanks for the link to babybeduga. We started out with BumGenius AIO but are now using Alva Baby diapers from They are also very reasonable and I am pleased with the performance. Thanks again.
