Thursday, August 23, 2012

A week of Insanity

Insane moments or weeks are bound to happen in a household with five children or any household with children for that matter.  Appointments and life have taken over our week.  We have been coming and going and no two days have looked alike.  Once the week started filling up, I decided just to pack the appointments in and not drag it out for weeks of disrupted school time.  Homeschooling has definitely been more creative and we have marched in and out of appointments with our clipboards in hand. So this is what we learned...

*We learned all about teeth from our hygienist Phil.  How many we have and what cavities look like on an x-ray :(.  In a few weeks we get to learn more about how braces work x2 kiddos and what sort of payment plans they offer (yikes)!
*We learned about fire science and had a huge discussion about fire safety as we watched our neighbors home burn and the firefighters work to put it out.  Our character study included empathy and compassion.
*Some were reminded that Grandma definitely has better snacks at her house and is much more generous than mommy when it comes to food.  We love you (and your snacks) grandma!
*The babies learned about check-ups and shots :(.
*We have also found that professionals love to share about their profession. So often the kids asking a few questions leads to an impromptu lesson about something
*Vaeh learned that it is actually fun to talk when the speech pathologist is here instead of being silent and that using words opens up a whole new world.  Being our little one with a flair for drama, she many times refuses to speak unless it is into her play microphone which amplifies her voice because that is just so much more fun.
*Bentley learned about responsibility as she started her first part time little baby sitting job at our home.
*We learned about pulling together meals with what you have in the house because there is no time to get to the store.
*We learned about eyes from the Optometrist and how they become tired from lots of computer work and reading and can cause headaches.  We also learned about cute pink and purple reading glasses and that the lady who helps you pick out the glasses loves her job.
 *In between we learned about the state of Maine and some of its wildlife.  We did a little addition, multiplication, and history.
*And while we were at all of those appointments and doing a lot of waiting we READ lots!
*Oh and we also learned from daddy that just because the Yukon speedometer says it can go 120 it really can't because it has a governor on it.  But wouldn't it have been fun if we could have traveled to our appointments at 120 mph (maybe we would have had time to get our grocery shopping done).

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