Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy Eleventh Birthday Payton

 Tonight at 8:25p.m. my Payton turned eleven.  Even though he is child number two of six, he will always be my baby.  For many years he was my youngest.  I cherish our long conversations that we have shared over the years, almost since he has been able to talk.  He is a young man of many thoughts and many words and he wears his heart on his sleeve.  He certainly makes it clear that he loves his mama and I couldn't be more blessed than to be able to spend my days with him. 

 Payton adores his baby brothers, almost as much as they adore him.  Gracen is his buddy, at his side constantly, and Payton takes it in stride, teaching him everything he knows.
Happy Birthday Payton!  We love you and hope you had a wonderful day!

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