1. I am thankful for a loving God who cares for me and sent his son to die on the cross because I definitely am a sinner in need of his forgiveness.
2. I am thankful for our children, all five of whom are blessings from God.
3. I am thankful for my husband who loves us deeply and is a strong spiritual leader in our family.
4. I am thankful for the adoption of two of our little people and the social workers who cared for them and many other hurting families and children.
5. I am thankful to their mama who gave birth to them and pray that someday her children will be able to show her Jesus' love and the way to the cross.
6. I am thankful that God continues to bless us with just enough so that I can be at home with our babies.
7. I am thankful for our extended families who have blessed and cared for us in so many ways over the years and continue to have our backs in times of crisis (big or little).
8. I am thankful that God is leading us on our new homeschool journey and that I get spend so much time with my kiddos.
9. I am thankful that our children love spending time together.
10. I am thankful for our church family and the friendships that have been made there.
11. I am thankful for our home that is no stranger to the laughter and love of many children.
12. I am thankful for Sammy and the love and joy that he brings to our family.
***Please share something you are thankful for in the comments...I would love to hear from you!!!
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever."
his love endures forever."
Psalm 107:1
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