My freezer is getting VERY full of casseroles and that makes me happy. When I am feeling like I have not accomplished anything I just open it up and feel a sense of pride and accomplishment (bonus I also get cooled down). I know, I know it seems weird but there is something about keeping my family fed that makes me feel like a good mom. The deep zone cleaning is going lots slower than I would like but if anything ends up at the bottom of my list it is deep cleaning projects because these are my least favorite. I have been stuck working on clothes sorting and cleaning in our family closet room for about three weeks longer than I should but I am slowly making progress.
Something that I have felt a real urgency to work on with all of my kids but especially my toddlers is boundaries. How am I going to manage a nursing infant on top of two active toddlers and keep everyone happy and safe? Monte and I have been implementing some new things to make life easier. We have a great small, fenced in, toddler friendly play space in our back yard complete with a comfy swing for mom but when we go out front to ride trikes or do sidewalk chalk the boundaries are less clear and we used to spend lots of time chasing our toddlers away from our busy street and out of the front yard. They were hard to contain. I found a yellow and orange long ski rope that I now lay out on the ground to give them a visual line that they are not to cross (notice in the picture how close Gracen is). It has really cut down on the amount of time we spent chasing them or hollering to come back. They still have their moments where they step over and look back with that mischievous grin to see what I will do, but usually a friendly reminder does the trick and we are back in business. The rope something that we can take with us to the lake or other places to help set safe boundaries. It still takes constant supervision and extreme consistency...they have to know that we will get up every time and come get them if they don't listen, or that they will sit in time out if they do not obey, but once the training stage is over it makes outside time much less of a battle.
If all else's off to baby jail. This is a room with toys and comfy recliners for mom and dad along with a T.V. It is baby proof and gated to contain little people. We try not to contain them to this room too much during the day but it is sometimes necessary when older kids or mommy are unavailable to keep a close eye on them. I require very little "alone time" but Mommy is entitled to a shower every day. As you can see by the picture little ones sometime try to escape...yes he is able to open the dead bolt. Luckily the screen door has an even higher latch that he has not yet mastered and if he does make it out back he is still fenced in...yikes. This room has been a lifesaver so many times when we need a moment or need to keep the toddlers contained for a bit.
For the older kids it is about diligence and independence with their daily tasks. They each have a daily morning and afternoon chore list as well as help clean house each week. As we look ahead to mom being less able to supervise we are rewarding the big kids for doing a good job with their chores on their own, without lots of adult supervision. I have found that they need to know that mom will still check chores when they are done and if this step gets skipped they start to get sloppy again. I constantly have to remind myself that they are still kids and perfection is not realistic. I am so thankful for all they do.
So as we wait, we prepare with excited anticipation for the new one coming. He does finally have a name but until one of the kids spills the beans it is our family secret.