Sunday, June 17, 2012

Around here we call him DADDY!

When I married Monte I never realized what a wonderful daddy he would be.  After Bentley was born he snatched her up and loved her with all of his being.  The nurses even commented that he never put her down.  He was a proud daddy and still is.  Monte loves spending time with each and every one of his children.  He can even handle all five of them on his own, which is no small feat.
When Conner and Nevaeh came to live with us they learned from him what a daddy was.  He is the only father they have ever known (and that makes him extra special).  For Bentley, Payton and Gracen he has just always been there in the midst of everything that they do and they love that about him.  He can't stand being away from any of them.  He is the BEST dad.

I love my dad because "he helps me with Sammy."  "My favorite thing about daddy is that he ALWAYS loves me."
I love my dad because "he spends time with me."  My favorite thing to do with daddy is "drive my dragster."
I love my dad because "he rides rides with me." "Daddy grills hot dogs and hamburgers for me."
I have loved daddy since the day I came.  He is still my favorite person in the whole world.
I love my dad because he adores me and it shows!

So today we celebrate a man like no other. 
Around here we call him Daddy!
We LOVE you!!
If you really want to know what she thinks of her daddy watch this!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Inspired by a Woman of the Word

My Grandma Fransen was known in the nursing home for reading her Bible.  Even after she became very confused, she continued to find comfort in God's Word.  After she died my mother found many certificates that she had earned over the years for reading her Bible cover to cover.  My children were in awe and inspired that someone could read the Bible that many times over.  So in her honor we will read.  Over the next 365 days each member of our family who is able (and some who aren't) will read our Bibles all the way through. 

Each morning before starting our day we plan to read.  We started in the New testament because I thought that is where the kids would find what felt familiar.  There are no complaints in fact there have been many thought provoking questions and some small surprises.  I plan to start a new habit of my own and if they can do it, so can I.  I have to admit that I have never been consistent about reading my Bible.  We will hold each other accountable and my hope is that it will become normal.  I am looking forward to finding comfort daily in God's word just as my Grandma did.

Comfort found in today's Reading: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself  Each day has enough trouble of its own." Mathew 6:34

Monday, June 11, 2012

Today We Race

Yesterday Payton's dream came true.  He FINALLY got to race a Junior Dragster.  Yesterday Monte's dream came true.  He FINALLY has a kid who he can take racing.  It was a nervous, exciting, scary and fun day all wrapped in one.  Payton had LOTS to learn and he did very well for his first time out.  He runner ed up in the 8 & 9 year old class (out of 4).  Win or lose we were proud.  He tried hard, learned from his mistakes, tried harder, and learned some more.  Next time will be easier on all of us and each time after easier yet.  We all did it.
I was VERY nervous for him.  Nervous that he would get hurt, whether it be his body or his feelings.  Nervous that he and Monte would be able to communicate and learn together despite both being green and anxious.  Nervous that the other kids would behave so that I could watch and be a part of Payton's special day.   
He did great and Monte did great.  They found a passion they can both love together.
The kids behaved (we may have to try these headphones at home).
 I remained calm. Before each race I told him that I loved him and to have fun. "If you need to, let off the gas and be safe because no one wins if you get hurt."  "It doesn't matter if you win or lose we will still be proud of you."  You know all the good mom stuff.
Cousin Kyle was there to share his ten years of Junior Drag Racing wisdom.  He will pass on the torch this year as he goes off to college.
 This was Payton's day and he LOVED it (and we loved it too)! 

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith  
Hebrews 12:1-2a

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Best Parents (before we had kids)

Monte always says "we were the best parents before we had kids!"  He is right...we were.  We knew it all.  Once we had kids we realized it wasn't as easy as it appeared.  Now that we have five kids we judge no one.  Being parents is hard but more than that it is a reward from our heavenly father.  God uses our children daily to make us better people and to shape us but it isn't for the faint of heart.  We have learned how to love deeper than we knew existed.  We have gotten a glimpse of the love that our God feels for us.  We ache and often cry out in frustration when our children make poor choices or behave in unacceptable ways.  God feels our pain and knows the love of a parent because He is our Heavenly Father.  He feels that same love and same agony when we disobey him.  Perfection is not achievable when it comes to parenting and we cannot make our children behave no matter how hard we try to mold them into what we want them to be.  God can but he chooses not to.  He chooses to let us make our choices and learn from them.  He uses our choices good or bad to make us better.   God is always there to love us and guide us through this world but in the end we, just like our children, have the choice to obey and come to Him. 

When our oldest were younger, we spent a lot of time trying to figure this parenting thing out.  We found a specific author that we thought seemed very practical in their approach and used many of the techniques to no avail.  We later learned that this author writing about raising children had none of their own but instead a PHD in Psychology.  We can read every parenting book out there Christian or not but we look for answers in vain.  We need to look no further than our Heavenly Father and His Word.  He is not asking us to do anything that He hasnt' done himself.  He is after all the Heavenly Father to the most unruly children in history!  Now that has to count for something.  When our children disobey we need to think about what God would want us to do and dive head first into his Word.  How would we want Him to handle our disobedience and how can we use our mistakes (and our children's) for His Glory?

I write this because I want to work on parenting more intentionally. I need to let go and allow my children to experience the consequences of choices and quit telling them how it is (my family is smiling because they know that I am good at this).  They will learn much more through life with my guidance than with my pushing.  I need to be more quiet so that they can come to me when they are ready to listen instead of shoving what I want them to hear down their little ears.  It is soooo tempting to tell them I told you so when they come to the realization that mommy and daddy were right all along.  But, if I do, they will stop coming.   Just like our Heavenly Father...I want them to come.

 He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
Luke 11:28

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Learning to Travel with a BIG family on a small budget

See the Son glimmering off our back window...God was with us!
After receiving a nice tax return this year, Monte and I decided that this was the year to take our family on vacation.  We decided on Branson for a week.  We wanted to relax and to have fun as a family without going into debt and breaking the bank (not relaxing or fun when you get home).  Relax with five children in tow?  We did and we actually came in under budget.  The key to our success was being organized and being intentional, having a plan.  Having fun meant trying to avoid meltdowns as much as possible from mommy and the kids.

For months before our trip, we I kept a running packing list.  As I used things, I jotted them down.  The list was very detailed and included things like clothing items (swimming suits/jackets), hygiene items, medications each person needed or might need, baby items (like the Cd player and wave Cd that Gracen can't sleep without), toys and entertainment items and much more.  We actually didn't leave home without anything important which was a small miracle in itself.  We were also blessed with a luggage carrier that held lots of stuff (thanks Terri and Dynette)!

When we chose our lodging we looked for a place that could accommodate our large family.  We needed separate rooms for children to sleep away from children who wanted to play.  The cabin had to have a full kitchen so that we could eat many of our meals in (eating out for our family of seven would add $80-$100 per day to our budget).   A side note...eating out is much less of a temptation when you have two screaming toddlers in a restaurant at the end of the day. Eating IN is actually much more appealing because we are use to their noise and barbaric eating habits.   A perk but also a necessity for us was a washer and dryer in house.  Being able to come home each night and wash a load or two of laundry made coming home at the end of vacation much less messy and stressful.  It also allowed us to pack less clothing, especially for the little ones who can go through a few outfits in a day.  Another requirement was having accommodations where some entertainment was included.  The complex where our cabin was located had two pools, a playground, and hiking trails.  The cabin also needed to be near where the bulk of our activities would be.  The toddlers especially, would not enjoy spending hours in the car each day commuting to activities, just getting them there was enough.  Our cabin was five minutes from Silver Dollar City and ten minutes from Branson.  Spending a little more on accommodations and spending less on other things just makes sense for us.  Having many of the comforts of home makes for happy children (and a happy mama).

We bought season passes to Silver Dollar City for those over the age of three.  This allowed us to come and go as we pleased.  When the babies (and mommy) got tired and cranky we were able to go home and take naps.  For those of you who don't know, Silver Dollar City is a Pioneer/Ozark Themed Christian Park. While we were there we enjoyed watching woodworking, glass blowing, riding rides, dipping candles, learning about their pioneer town, watched some shows (especially enjoyed the Saloon Show), toured the cave and shopped.  Yes all with five children in tow (except the cave...Monte and the older children enjoyed it one morning while mommy and the younger children relaxed at the cabin).  We spent two full days and three half days in the park.  We covered it all but could have spent even more time there. 

Silver Dollar City was probably our most fun Branson adventure but also one of our most difficult until we got the hang of it.  The hardest task was getting on and off the trams that took us to and from the parking lot to the park.  We had to collapse and carry strollers, babies, diaper bag, the food cooler and manage three children all in a crowded line trying to get on the tram.  It took us a few tries but we came up with a system.  Bentley carried Nevaeh, Conner carried a small bag with water bottles, Payton carried a small cooler,  Mommy carried the small stroller and the big diaper bag, daddy carried Gracen and the large stroller.  We literally took up two rows on the tram.  Luckily people were kind and we made it off and on without incident each time.  In the park itself Monte typically led the way with one stroller the three kids walked between and I followed with another stroller.  This also took a bit of trial and error.  We found that walking in age order worked best so that no one was trying to get ahead of the other.  We also found that some unnamed little person didn't pay enough attention and would constantly run into the back of daddy which was only funny the first few times.  When we went into stores, we stayed together and the children put their hands in their pockets (except for at the toy store).  We thought that we might be a sideshow but we were pleased to actually see many families as large or larger than ours.  We saved money at the park by bringing our lunch in, all but one day.   As we looked around there were many families choosing this option.  We bought a few fun snacks and enjoyed supper from the park one evening (it was bluegrass and barbecue week, we couldn't resist) but otherwise spent very little on extras in the park.
Monte took a Picture of the Menu, knowing we were going to eat at the park the next day...this way we could make a plan.  Kind of Funny but it is really hard to order for seven people and not spend lots of money when you feel rushed.
Each child brought their own money along for souvenirs.  We bought one family souvenir and bought and dipped candles with the children but otherwise they were required to spend their own money (much of it was Christmas and or Birthday Money).  I think that this helped to teach them to spend wisely.  First of all it is their money.  It also taught them to make good choices because when it's gone it's gone.  Mom and dad are not just handing over money for each thing they want.  This is the beginning of learning to live on a budget.

Other activities we enjoyed in Branson were very cheap or free.  The Ralph Foster museum at the School of the Ozarks was fun and free for school age children (Monte and I paid a total of $12 to get in).  We went to Branson Landing where the children spent some of their souvenir money and we watched the fountain set to music and lights.  We also visited Bass Pro Shop and enjoyed their fun displays of wildlife.  There was also a Free Wildlife Conservation Area with hiking trails that we spent a short time at.  We drove the strip and to table rock lake and enjoyed the sights the area had to offer.  We played games on the back screened in porch and the kids watched movies in bed (a treat for both us and them).  We kept it simple and that made it relaxing, cheap, and fun

All in all it was a great week and we came home with all of the children, money in our pockets and smiles on our faces!

Monday, June 4, 2012

A Few Of My FAVORITE Things (Branson Edition)

In the twelve years that Monte and I have been married we have traveled often.  We have always traveled with family or with business (and family) but never alone.  It was time to take a family vacation with just us.  We needed to be a family and to make up for lost time.  We did.  We traveled to Branson.  We spent a lot of our time at Silver Dollar City (minutes from the cabin), and also visited Branson Landing, Ralph Foster Museum, and spent time hiking, and swimming.
These are a few of my favorite things...

*Playing the ABC game in the car with a new twist. A song to help keep Vaeh happy.
*Our cabin. It fit us perfectly with two bedrooms, two large bathrooms, an open kitchen/living room and a large back screened in porch.
*The scary mountain goat on the wall of the cabin that we fondly named "dead goat." Veah was terrified of him the first few days and refused to be near him in the room. She watched to make sure that he didn't move. After a few days she got used to him and would run by him and scream "Hi dead goat!"
*Breakfast on the screened in porch every morning.
*Watching the kids go through the same nostalgic things at Silver Dollar City that I remember as a kid...Grandfather's Mansion, The Sunken Mine, The Big Rocking Chair, Oh Yea and my personal favorite JAIL!

*Tea Parties in Tutus.
*Meeting the locals...including the Beverly Hillbillies.

We came...we saw...we bonded...we played...we had fun...we relaxed...and we were a family.  We are glad to be HOME!